Saturday, September 28, 2013

Error in Batch Job: Stack trace: Invalid attempt to call WinAPI.fileSize running in CIL on the client.

Batch Job end with error in Log as follows..

Stack trace: Invalid attempt to call WinAPI.fileSize running in CIL on the client.

The reason for this error is WINAPI in DocuActionArchive.add() method. Which will not work in batch job.

To solve this modify the method by using System.IO namespace classes as below..

fileInfo   = new System.IO.FileInfo(attachFileName);
fileSize = fileInfo.get_Length();

This will solve the issue and Batch will work without errors

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A generic error occurred in gdi+ (C#.Net - while saving image to a file from image control)

This error will be thrown if there is no write permissions to the folder to which the file will be saved.

Sol: Grant the write permissions to the folder. It will solve the issue

Monday, July 1, 2013

Passing a parameter value from ListPage:MenuItemButton control to a form in Ax 2012 list page

To pass a parameter value from ListPage:MenuItemButton control to a form in Ax 2012 list page below are the steps..

1. For the MenuItemButton control set the AutoDeclaration property "True"

2. In list page interaction class override the SelectionChanged() method. Add the code to pass parameter value as string. For example:

    this.listPage().actionPaneControlParameters(formControlStr(ListPage Name,MenuItemButton Control Name),"Parameter Value");

2. Now override the init() of the child form which is out put of MenuItemButton. Add the following code to retrieve the same..

Happy DAXing!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mobile Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics AX


Dynamics Anywhere offers a suite of powerful yet easy to use mobile solutions that support various business processes. The following solutions are available:

AX Anywhere - Logistics
A solution offering mobile processes to support your warehouse operations
AX Anywhere - Retail
A solution covering the mobile processes related to inventory management in a retail outlet
AX Anywhere - Sales
A mobile solution that supports field sales or counter sales processes with an order
AX Anywhere - Production Control
A solution that covers the mobile processes related to manufacturing companies production process
AX Anywhere - iPad Field Sales
An offline mobile sales solution that offers sales representatives access to customer and order information

The Dynamics Anywhere mobile solutions for Microsoft Dynamics AX have properties that make our solutions really unique:

Fully integrated in Dynamics AX
This assures you that our mobile solutions will work perfectly within your existing Microsoft Dynamics environment. In addition, your current ERP partner can do the implementation and support.
Completely based on Microsoft technology
Our mobile solutions are based on familiar Microsoft products like Windows Server and IIS and do not use any (3rd party) middleware. This makes implementation and support easy.
Extremely flexible
Each solution can be tailored to your specific needs with a range of available settings in Dynamics. And if necessary, it is also possible to enhance or modify our solutions in the same way as you can modify your Dynamics processes; simply by adding or changing the business logic of Dynamics itself.
Device independent
The Dynamics Anywhere solutions run on virtually any device with a browser, including tablets, rugged mobile terminals and smartphones. This offers freedom of choice and cost savings in supporting a mobile infrastructure remotely

For more information see

Enterprise Portal: Lookup not works in Enterprise portal

If user clicks on lookups then lookup form will display but the selected value will not reflect in to the text box.

Solution: Disable IE ESC for the users
1. Open the Server Manager Tool. Configure IE ESC is located on the right hand side of the interface in the section heading Security Information.
2. Select the link Configure IE Esc and the configuration window will open. At this point you can choose whether to turn off IE ESC for Administrators or for Users or for both.